Tennessee DB Will Brooks can play AND coach the Vols

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I know what you’re thinking when it comes to Will Brooks, the Tennessee defensive back who seems to be pushing for playing time despite being about as highly recruited as a blocking sled.

You’re thinking he can’t really play at the SEC level, that he’s just a coaches’ favorite and he’s getting some publicity for that very reason. In all fairness, that wouldn’t be the first time that an overachiever got some pub for being a stand-up player and a good all around dude. However, the Vols are intent on convincing their fan base that Brooks will, indeed, be a factor this season.

“His preparation,” Tennessee defensive back Willie Martinez said when asked about Brooks. “He’s an everyday, consistent player who is very detailed. Whether that is in meetings…He’s somebody that we are leaning on for leadership because he’s been here for a long time and has done it the right way. His teammates respect him tremendously. He’s been very consistent. That’s the best thing I can say about Will. There’s no up-and-down. The players are being led the right way.”

That consistency is what turned Brooks from no-name to a special teams contributor to a potential defensive contributor or, perhaps even, a starter.

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“My entire career the great players that I have been very blessed to be a part of in their lives, were great special teams players,” Martinez said. “Any time a guy is making consistent plays in space…it’s got transferable skills to play offense and defense. For us, most of it is all defense. Some of the same terminology that’s on special teams is on defense. Him being a smart player and translating that to defense, it’s always been simple for Will.”

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Said Brooks, “Special teams, we always talk about transferable skills. A lot of times, running down on kickoff, you’re defeating a block. Same thing of defense, defeat a block and make a tackle, so I definitely think playing on specials teams and getting the reps in at special teams definitely helps prepare you to play defense.”

Brooks’ understanding of Tennessee’s defense isn’t just an advantage for him. Brooks can be a beacon of knowledge with a young, inexperienced secondary around him.

“Just being in the program awhile, learning the defense, knowing a lot of knowledge and trying to pass it to the guys around me,” Brooks said. “I think it will definitely help.”

That may end up being Brooks’ most important role. After playing the Star position last season, there is no question that Brooks knows Tennessee’s defense more like a coach than a player. His teammates have noticed.

“If I don’t know something, I go to Will,” sophomore defensive back Jermod McCoy said. “He knows everything. If anybody doesn’t know something, they go ask Will.”

In other words, that’s no blocking sled out there running around in a No. 35 jersey. That’s a starter, or at least a contributor – or – maybe another coach on the field. With so many questions in a talented defensive backfield, the latter may be the most important of them all.

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